Sunday, April 26, 2009


We had another very full weekend around here. We had game night Friday night (which turned into the guys watching the baseball game downstairs and the girls chatting upstairs most of the night). It was a lot of fun and awesome weather so we took advantage and played a few games in the garage. If we had to lose the guys to the game at least the Cardinals won! Ryan and I were sooo outnumbered on that one! I think that out of 16 people, only 4 of us are Cardinal fans.

Sarah and the boys came down for the weekend and the kids played great. Ethan kept calling Emma his cousin and Emma really misses him already! I can't believe I didn't get a single picture the whole weekend! I hope we are able to make it to the cabin for Memorial Day this year! Sarah's family owns a cabin in Wisconsin but we don't know if it has been rented for that weekend yet. We should know by this weekend so Emma and I are keeping our fingers crossed!

Emma and I went to watch Heartland play today. We haven't been able to catch any games this season so I was glad to finally make it out there, especially on such a nice day. It was super windy but the warm temps and the sun made up for it. They split, losing the first game and winning the second but they were good games to watch. Their record was 25-3-1 as of last week.

I decided to start reading the Twilight series since I have so many people telling me how much I am missing. I'm not sure what I am getting into-I don't usually like that kind of fiction-but I figure it's worth a chance! I'm going to start this week so I will let you know how it goes for those of you who are as reluctant as I was to read them!

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