Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have never been an American Idol fan-in fact I could count on one hand the number of times I had watched it before this season. After hearing everyone talk about it I decided to give it a try. I have been DVRing this season and I am a little hooked. I love watching the performance night but I really don't care much about the results as long as my two faves stay in. I loooove Kris Allen (a few of my faves are in my playlist!) and I like Danny too. I really don't get what everyone likes about Adam. Obviously he can sing but I am way more into the singer/songwriter groove. Idol rambling over. But, did I mention I looooove Kris?

Easter was lots of fun. We packed a lot into one weekend so we are a little tired around here. The Easter bunnies (at home and at the Nana's) were very good to Emma and she is having fun playing with all her new goodies. She got a few new webkinz, a new DS game, and lots of art supplies. She really enjoys drawing so we got her a sketchbook and colored pencils and she has taken them with her everywhere!

I was dropping Emma off at school today and trying to say goodbye. She was talking to her friends and ignoring my request for a hug. Finally she gave in and hugged me (no kiss) and I said "I love you". She looked at me, mouthed the words I love you, and then shooed me out the door. I hoped this day would never come. Just wait until you are a teenager, my dear daughter. That's when the real embarassment begins.

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