Emma has been sick this week with a cold/ear infection. I thought she was feeling better Thursday so I had her get ready for swim lessons. Ryan and I were talking upstairs when he asked, "are you sure Emma should go?" Then I heard the snoring.
I never knew what a little prankster we had. Emma played a few jokes on Ry and I on April fools day. She hid Ryan's coffee maker in her closet so he didn't get any coffee and then she hid my new DS game, which of course I didn't realize until I sat down to play later that afternoon. She was at school so I couldn't have it until she got home. Then Ryan woke me up when he got home from a game asking where the remote was. She had gotten in one final prank and hid the remote! She thought she was pretty clever. Payback's not so fun my dear. Just wait til next year.
As most of you know, Ryan is an assistant coach for Heartland Community College's baseball team. They are having an awesome year which almost makes up for the time he is gone! Their record is 19-1 and they are undefeated in their conference. I haven't been able to watch them play yet this year but it sounds like they are a great group of guys. You can check out their schedule at heartland.edu
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. We will be spending it with family--hopefully not getting sick off of candy. Most of all we will concentrate on remembering what we are celebrating.
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