I finally got around to uploading Christmas photos! We had an amazingly blessed Christmas this year. I had two weeks off after Christmas so we had lots of time to lay around and play with our new toys. We also made a few trips to Chicago. We went to the children's museum on Navy Pier--fun for younger kids I'm sure, but a little boring for Em. Good thing we went to build a bear afterwards--the highlight of the trip. Aunt Alli had gotten Emma a gift certificate to go since Bruno ate the bear Alli had made her when she was a baby. Em made a bunny with roller skates named Kit, cause if it's not an American Girl, it may as well have the same name as one!!
It was totally an American Girl Christmas. Mia is having fun getting to know her friends. We have had a few game nights with all of our new games. Em's favorite new game is Operation and the adults have had a lot of fun with Partini and Rigamarole--similar but fun in their own ways. Emma and I have been enjoying our Nintendo ds's but Emma is actually getting better than me at Mario Cart since I have no time to play these days. Was that me that thought things would actually slow down after the holiday's?